zondag 7 juni 2020

Homework 7 June-22th June

YES! | MCS Marketing und Convenience-Shop System GmbHYes!!! Next week (15th June) you really can go back to school again. Not just for one day, but for a whole week! I'm happy, I'll see all of you again and not only on monday. I give you your homework for this week and it will be the last homework you will become. 
Savanna | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
1. Where do animals live?
a.Look at the film
b. Make the worksheet "Who am I?"

2. look and listen to the story about the zebra (ab Dienstag)

answer the questions:
a. Hoe does a zebra confuses his enemy?
b. When does a baby zebra starts to walk?
c. Why is it important for a zebra family to stay together?

-draw a cartoon zebra Sunrise Pediatric Neurology Foal Zebra , cartoon zebra transparent ...

-Make your own fantasy animal

Put together two animals and make a new one:
ze-bra + ele+phant = zephant
ti-ger+ del-phin= tiphin
draw a picture of your "new" animal

combinatie dieren - Google zoeken | Vreemde dieren, Dieren, Gekke ...Look!!!! a duck-fant :)

maandag 1 juni 2020

Homework 3-6 June

Dear Children,

How nice it was, to see you all in a REAL class. In the next two weeks, I will see you again and you can present your "favourite animal". 

1. Make your "favourite animal" Presentation complete

  • Make your worksheet beautiful (colour)
  • Find some extra pictures or "Things to know" about your favourite animal in books or in the internet. 
  • Make your presentation complete (you can make a lapbook or a placard (Plakat)
  • Exercise with the following sentences (Übe mit den Sätzanfangen)
1. My animal is ...
2. It has got ....
3. It can ....
4. My animal lives in ...
5. It eats ...

6. (try to find some more things to say...)
ijsbeer - Hartendief
2. Look and listen to the story about the polar bear

Can you give me some answers now?

a. How long do polar bear cubs       (children) stay with their mother?
b. What do polar bear cubs love to do?

    Giraffe Cartoon Vektorgrafiken, Cliparts Und Illustrationen Kaufen ...
  • Choose a new favourite animal (if you have finished your first favourite animal project, you can choose a new favourite animal, if you like :)
  •  Look at the film and draw a cartoon giraffe 
  • https://youtu.be/2nr587hSR7o

Homework 7 June-22th June

Yes!!! Next week (15th June) you really can go back to school again. Not just for one day, but for a whole week! I'm happy, I'll s...